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Juneteenth 2024 Holiday

Juneteenth: A Day of Celebration and Education

Observance and Significance

Juneteenth commemorates the day in 1865 when Union soldiers arrived in Texas and informed enslaved African Americans that they were free. This day, June 19th, has since become an important day of remembrance and celebration for African Americans.

In 2021, Juneteenth was made a federal holiday, recognizing its significant role in American history. The holiday serves not only as a day to celebrate freedom, but also to reflect on the ongoing struggle for racial justice and equality.

Historical Background

The Emancipation Proclamation, issued by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863, declared freedom for all enslaved people in the United States. However, it took time for the news to spread and for Union soldiers to enforce the proclamation in all areas of the country.

In Texas, enslaved people were not officially informed of their freedom until June 19, 1865. This delay was due to resistance from Confederate authorities and the slow progress of Union troops. When the news finally arrived, it sparked widespread jubilation among the 250,000 enslaved people in Texas.

Juneteenth Today

Juneteenth is now celebrated with parades, festivals, and special programs across the United States. It is a day for African Americans to gather, commemorate their history, and reflect on the progress that has been made.

In addition to the celebrations, Juneteenth is also a day of education. Many schools and organizations hold events to teach children about the history of slavery and the significance of emancipation. The holiday serves as an opportunity to promote understanding, reconciliation, and healing.

Other Names for Juneteenth

Juneteenth is also known by a variety of other names, including:
  • Emancipation Day
  • Freedom Day
  • Jubilee Day
  • Juneteenth Independence Day
  • Black Independence Day
